At its meetings on July 25 and August 1, 2019, the School Building Committee:
1) Approved and presented to School Committee the Hunnewell feasibility study report and the Feasibility Study Report Appendix .
The report provides comprehensive information and data, including:
Existing conditions and impacts on the delivery of education.
An overview of the feasibility study process, including the development of the educational plan and the development and evaluation of building options.
Detailed information on the recommended building option: All new construction, two stories, 19 classrooms; Approximately 80 dedicated parking spaces, with further evaluation and refinement of the parking plan to come during permitting phase; Net Zero Ready (NZR) with rooftop solar panels and a low energy use intensity (EUI) rating; Conceptual project budget totaling $57,500,000.
2) Recommended a $4.68 million budget for the Hunnewell design and permitting phase, including $3.2 million for the project designer, SMMA, and $425,000 for the owner’s project manager, Compass Project Management. 3) Received updates on the remaining viable swing space options:
Internal swing space: Utilizing space at other elementary schools to enable a schedule that can move forward independently of the Hardy/Upham project; or
Waiting until the Hardy/Upham project is complete to use a vacated building as swing space (multiple scenarios are being evaluated), delaying completion of the project until 2026.
St. Paul’s School is no longer under consideration; the Archdiocese is expected to enter into a long-term lease with another party.
The SBC continues to analyze swing space. It will discuss the options, share details with the community, and solicit further feedback in September before making a recommendation.
4) Reviewed a potential timeline for an “early” Hunnewell project if the recommended swing space option may proceed independent of the Hardy/Upham project:
December 9, 2019: request to Special Town Meeting for appropriation of design funds
Winter 2020 - Spring 2021: design and permitting
Spring 2021: request for Town Meeting and voter approval of construction funds
January or September 2023: occupancy of new building
5) Approved SMMA’s Proposal for Designer Services for the feasibility and schematic design phases of the Hardy/Upham project, to be partially funded by the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA). The total proposed fee is $1,073,085 and must also be supported by the Permanent Building Committee. SMMA’s proposed schedule includes submission of a preferred site/building solution to the MSBA in May of 2020. The feasibility study is expected to begin in late August.